Sophie Throop, an art student at Williams College views art exhibits at The Clark Institute on February 22nd. This image I tried getting a stop action as she turns her head quickly to get her hair to rise. The smile was not planned, but I still enjoy the image immensely.
Sophie Throop, an art student at Williams College sits in front of a new art exhibit at The Clark Institute on February 22nd. She looks to the side and up because its cool.
Sophie Throop, an art student at Williams College views art exhibits at The Clark Institute on February 22nd. I asked her to look to the side as her face shows great emotion even sideways as she is viewing the art. I expecially like the light as it fades away on her face.
Sophie Throop, an art student at Williams College views art exhibits at The Clark Institute on February 22nd. I really like this image as once again it shows Sophie's true personality. A cynical creature of fun.
Sophie Throop takes a selfie mocking the face of Baby Jesus. I decided to position her for this shot as she stood there making fun of the image for about 5 minutes. Plus the lighting is nice. This was taken at the Clark Institute on February 22nd.
Sophie Throop, an art student at Williams College takes a break of viewing art exhibits at The Clark Institute on February 22nd.
Sophie Throop points mokingly at fine china. I didn't plan this position, however, it became a motif of the photoshoot and I caved int creating just one image. She did so at the Clark Institute on February 22nd.